Monday, June 30, 2008

Humpty Dumpty sat at a desk...

You've heard it before, either from your grandmother: "Sit Up Straight!" or from your elementry school teacher "Straight and tall, no leaning at all" or from your Pilates instructor: "Shoulders down, belly in!"

How about your neck? Do you think a one hour massage would be the greatest gift in world right now? Or even a five minute neck rub?

Let's talk about your neck and shoulders for a minute. If you sit at a desk or drive a car for any significant portion of your day, you are at serious risk for having slumped shoulders and a sore neck. Most people, when sitting in their cars or office chairs, have a tendency to lean over the desk (or steering wheel) with their head sticking out and their shoulders so close to their ears they could double as earrings. Pregnant women and nursing moms have it even worse, as the weight from their newly humongous chest literally pulls them forward. And, although a massage would be great, who has the time (or the money) to get one every day? Here is a quick, easy solution: the mid and lower trap squeeze:

Quick anatomy lesson- the trapezius muscle is a group of three muscles that covers most of your back. The upper traps are the muscles right on the top of your shoulders up to your neck, they are responsible for lifting your shoulders up when you shrug (or slouch). The mid and lower traps are below these, and they are responsible for anchoring your shoulder blades down and drawing your shoulders back, thereby opening up your chest. To relax your shoulders, you need to engage the mid and lower traps and shut the upper traps off. To do this, sit on the edge of your chair with your back as straight and tall as you can make it. Try to pull your shoulders as far away from your ears as possible, and stack them right over your hips. Now, with your arms straight, press your palms behind you, like you are pushing water away. The movement should be coming from your mid and lower traps, and you should feel your shoulder blades drawing together. If you feel tension elsewhere, try to imagine that you are trying to undo your bra clasp with just the muscles in your back. Feel your tension magically melt away and your chest open up.

Whenever you catch yourself hunched over your desk, your steering wheel, or your baby, straighten up and squeeze those mid and lower traps together for a few seconds. It will make a huge difference!