Monday, August 4, 2008

Exercise in General

I get Google Alerts each day for "Pilates" and "Pilates and Pregnancy." Usually most of what comes up is about celebrities and their quest for the smallest possible body, the business briefs of local newspapers talking about new studios opening and the latest ebay auction on Pilates videos. Today though, and interesting article came up from the New York Post entitled Is the Economy Making Us Fat? Read it if you like, but more than anything, the title made me think about all of the excuses that we have not to exercise: I'm too tired, I'm too busy, the gym membership costs too much, yada yada yada. When it comes down to it, exercise is just that, it is work. You need to fit it in, get up earlier, stay up later, schedule it on your calendar, JUST DO IT!

Feel free to send me your particular dilemma that is causing you not to exercise, and I'll try to find a way around it.

(By the way, exercise gives you energy, there are MILLIONS of ways to re-arrange your day to fit it in, and walking requires nothing more than two feet. Even the shoes are optional.)